Day :
- Herbal Medicine
Location: 1
Session Introduction
Michael Felley
Kent State College of Podiatric Medicine, USA
Title: The Phenomenon we call Raynaud’s

Dr Michael Felley is a podiatrist from San Diego, CA. He completed his undergraduate work at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT, then went on to attend medical school at the Kent State College of Podiatric Medicine. Dr Felley has been an instructor and board member for many of the local colleges around Salt Lake City, UT. His passion is finding new and innovative ways to supplement the medical field he’s in. He has formulated many products which narrow the gap between western medicine and that of holistic medicine. He has presented many of his products around the country to companies and consumers.
Background: Reynaud’s Syndrome is a frustrating condition in which people suffer when the vasculature in their distal extremities constricts. This causes the tips of their fingers, toes, and ears to feel cold. In addition, the color of the skin changes due to the decrease in vascularity.
Method: Create a prototype formula to inhibit some of the stenosing in the distal arteries and increase blood flow; thereby, keeping the extremities warmer and without discoloration.
Edward C. Kondrot
Certified Classical Homeopath
Title: Improvement in Vision Parameters for Participants Treated With Alternative Therapies in a 3-day Program

Dr. Kondrot graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia in 1977, completed his residency in Ophthalmology at the Scheie Eye Institute and St Francis Hospital. He is A Board Certified in Ophthalmology, Doctor of Homeopathic Therapeutics (DHt) and a Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH)
He has spent thirty years in private practice of ophthalmology in 3 states, culminating in the publication of 7 books on the natural treatment of eye disease and the design of residential intensives where patients undergo multi-modal treatment, using a variety of natural therapies, for their chronic eye conditions. Current projects include a weekly radio show, lectures, research, publishing and missionary work with SEE International.
Eye conditions that are considered progressive and degenerative and for which the causation is generally poorly understood or not understood within conventional medicine can respond to natural therapeutic interventions that result in arrest and/or improvement of morbidity, with enhanced functional results. Because many of the treated conditions are age related, a delay of disease progression for 5 or even 10 y can mean an additional decade of independence for seniors. The 11 included ocular conditions are ordinarily considered incurable by any method except surgery and, even with surgery, the outcomes can be variable and/or transient.
All participants remained in the study for the duration of the program. Following the administration of the protocol, significant improvement in acuity, contrast, and visual field resulted in the majority of participants. None of the interventions was toxic or painful, and all likely contributed to an improved, overall health status for participants.
These treatment protocols should be considered part of a treatment program for all ocular disease processes. Eye health needs to be repositioned within an assessment of general health with the understanding that, with the exception of congenital disorders or accidents, vision decline represents a general diminishment in overall health and results directly from toxicity from both external sources such as air and water, and the internal accumulation of toxic metals; poor nutrition; and other life exposures and habits. Long-term follow-up studies are now in progress.

Dr. Anita Chen Marshall has dual doctoral degrees in Pharmacy and Oriental Medicine. During her more than 40 years of western and eastern patient care experiences, she had witnessed a great need to supplement western medicine with alternative approaches for treating acute and chronic illnesses, and pain management. In addition to her private practice in Alameda, she has been giving lectures and teaching a course on Herb and Drug Interactions for the last 10 years.
She is currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, UH School of Medicine; Adjunct Faculty at ACTCM at CIIS, San Francisco, CA; and other acupuncture schools in the U.S.
The practice of medicine is now at a crossroad. Countless patients are being treated simultaneously with both Western and Eastern medicine. It is quite common for a patient to seek herbal treatments while taking several prescription medications. Both patients and health care professionals are becoming more alert to the potential for occasional adverse herb-drug interactions. Today, half of all Americans take dietary supplements, according to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements. Consumers spend more than $300 billion per year on prescription drugs and more than $28 billion a year on vitamins, minerals and herbal remedies. And because many dietary supplements are touted as “natural” and are often sold in health food stores, it’s easy to assume they’re harmless. Safety has become a major topic of concern and discussion.
This session will provide an overview on Herb and Drug Interactions: Pharmacokinetic interactions and Pharmacodynamic interactions; therapeutic effects and interactions of commonly used herbs and drugs; herb-drug interactions with vitamin and mineral supplements. toxic herbs that cause the majority of adverse reactions; potentially serious herb-drug interactions in various illnesses that may cause life threatening conditions (i.e. asthma, CNS disorders, diabetes, heart attack, hypertension, insomnia, stroke, and pain management, etc)
As Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbal supplements grow and thrive in the United States, it is of vital importance that health care professionals be aware of the potentially dangerous herb-drug interactions and herb-drug-vitamin interactions. This knowledge will also improve treatment effectiveness and reduce the skyrocketing costs of medical care.
D.M. Tripathi
Associate Professor
Title: Conferring the reproducibility, credibility and global acceptability to ayurvedic herbal drugs- the natural/traditional medicines, by validation, safety evaluation and clinical standardization for disease free and quality human life: A walking call to academicians across the world.

Tripathi is an associate professor and a post graduate at the Govt. Autonomous Post Graduate College Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India.
Man remained eager and curious to live a disease free, better and quality life ever science the dawn of human civilization and eventually started looking towards the Mother Nature resulting in the advent of natural, traditional and alternative systems of health care and more appropriately as Ayurvedic System of health care. Ayurvedic Science, targeting disease free and quality life even without ayurvedic herbal drugs, was founded by our greatest sages, scholars and pennants based on their researches and realizations. It advocates the value of reasonable, seasonal and pro to body foods, exposure, thinking and actions as “Chaturangini Sena” to fight against diseases of all types thereby giving life style more value. Our body is the best drug/ pharma/biochemical industry synthesizing and secreting all that is needed for our wellness and better health. All these inputs resulted in conferring a disease free, better and quality life to human beings by enhancing the concept of vitality and Longevity.The amazing properties of ayurvedic herbal remedies as drugs, like Pro to body concept of action, holistic approach, principle of totality, eco-biofriendly innocuous nature, easy availability etc. enabled these therapeutic molecules as better choices for uses. However, with the passage of time, these Ayurvedic herbal drugs were realized to become unacceptable worldwide due to their slow acting nature and the problems of reproducibility, clinical validity, credibility and the global acceptability. All these shortcomings were being further fueled to fire due to great variations in therapeutic and clinical peculiarities of herbs because of several factors like altitudinal, latitudinal, geographical, seasonal, climatic and edaphic etc. This unexplored area of paramount research significance highly demands prompt, scientific and rational studies to confer these drugs high levels of credibility and reproducibility. To achieve these amazing qualities, an intensified and composite scientific plan of research execution appears to be the reality of the day.
- Ayurveda
Location: 2
Session Introduction
Chandanni Miglino
Ayurvedic Practitioner
Title: Ayurveda - The Urgency of Integrated Whole Health in the 21st Century

Chandanni Miglino is an Ayurvedic Practitioner. She facilitates retreats, festivals and workshops all over the world. She is the CEO and Founder of a sustainable, organic beauty and wellness line, along with a successful online liver detoxification platform, She has been practicing and living with principles in Ayurveda, the natural healing science of India, for well over a decade. She is the Co-Founder of the Chandanni Scholarship Fund ( bringing at risk youth from underserved communities in America to places like India where they experience mindfulness and diversity. She was born and raised in London, England. Her life’s work is to re-define the role of women and men today, promoting integrated whole health as a vehicle towards evolution and autonomy.
As the universality of Ayurveda comes more and more into demand based on environmental, physiological and socio- cultural breakdowns across our world we see a need for tools and practices available to a wider audience based in this science. The subject of allopathic medicine vs. alternative medicine has culminated into a new era of healing and wellness adopted predominantly in the West known as Functional Medicine. Functional medicine is primarily interested with the efficiency of gut health and lifestyle choices rendering into optimum vitality and well being. This rather new fashion emerging in medicine is being vastly adopted as healthcare practitioners and medical professionals are understanding that whole health and longevity is no longer a singular or unilateral therapy or protocol. The meeting of alternative healthcare and the adoption of Western medical therapies are proving a more sustainable and evolutionary practice in our world today. Ayurveda, dating back as the oldest form of healing modality spanning over five thousand years, has always been an evolutionary science. It moves with the times and adopts itself within its environment and it’s cultures. It is far more accessible and modern than the classical form of it’s rudimentary recordings in India thousands of years ago. Ayurveda is interested primarily in balance. This balance is also based on individuality. It is a dynamic recognition that the body mind is an intelligence that can mutate and self medicate based on giving a catalyst to the body’s own internal pharmacy. In Ayurveda we say, ‘let food be your medicine’. Ayurveda is interested in gut health as the centerpiece to building high immunity and thus whole health and longevity. The universal and modern adoption of Ayurvedic principles and practices in our world today are forefront and urgent. We need to educate the public of their individual constitution and body mind relationships. We can do this by offering tools and practices of self care that will continuously bring an individual from a state of imbalance to a state of balance and radiance again and again, each time allowing the natural pharmacy of the body’s own intelligence to become stronger and more adaptive. The purpose of bringing Ayurveda into a wider public understanding and practice will harness better modes of healing, lifestyle and productivity. People need to become whole before they can truly become happy. Educating the public on practical solutions like seasonal cleansing bringing about awareness of the inclusion of certain ingredients and superfoods in their diet, meditation and other lifestyle choices will catapult a trajectory of awareness and well being that can render us free of so many ailments almost immediately. Our integrated whole health is an urgent and dire call ushering in a new Golden Age of a new man, radiant, happy and whole.
We will also include along with this topic a deck showing stats on the growing need of a sustainable form of healing modality in our world today.
Karyn Marie Chabot
Sacred Stone Academy of Massage and Ayurveda
Title: A Winning Career in Jyotish, Ayurvedic Bodywork & Ayurvedic Medicine

Karyn graduated from The Ayurvedic Institute in1997, studied Vedic Science at the Master’s Level at MUM. With her Master’s in Ayurvedic Medicine from Goddard College, she became faculty for BCC and an international presenter and retreat leader. As a licensed, nationally certified massage and yoga therapist/ instructor and student of Jyotish since 1998, she founded SAMA: Sacred Stone Academy of Massage and Ayurveda in Newport, RI, a state-approved school for licensure. After interviewing on the Living Better channel on Fox TV, she pioneered Sacred Stone Massage in 1999 and produced 6 instruction DVDs and manuals on Ayurvedic bodywork.
By using Jyotish to understand our dharma and career path, merging Ayurveda
with more main stream sister sciences such as massage and being tenacious about manifesting our dreams, the future of Ayurveda will harmoniously takes its place alongside allopathy and traditional Chinese medicine. By becoming established in one’s Self and becoming “the change” that wish for the divine unfolding of Ayurveda, we can strengthen the matrix of Ayurveda and enliven the hearts of all it’s practitioners. I will share my personal journey into Ayurveda to help inspire the participants, how I persevere and navigated through the massage industry to manifest my career dreams, despite state regulations, her own illness, heart break and financial hiccups. I will illuminate the core beliefs about who we are, where Ayurveda is going and how it relates to our personal dharma. Become inspired to achieve success with Ayurveda by exploring the sister sciences of Jyotish, massage and yoga. Transformation begins with conviction about our dharma, which gives rise to clarity about our goals. Nature will support us by opening doors of opportunity when we are established within our Selves so dharma can lead the way.
Learning Objectives:
1. New ideas for discovering happiness and financial fulfillment in the Ayurveda community.
2. How to become established within the Self and stay focused on your goals.
3. Discover your passion using Jyotish, yoga and massage.
4. Interesting perspectives on merging Ayurveda within the healing arts and the definition of success.
5. Practical business solutions and developing community

Anisha completed her 3 year clinical training at the Southwest College of Acupuncture in Albuquerque, New Mexico, graduating in 2000 with a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine degree. She is a Diplomat in Acupuncture certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and has received National Clean Needle Technique Certification(CCAOM). She spent 4 years training under renowned Dr. Vasant Lad at the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico which included the first year Ayurvedic Studies Program, three years of Gurukula (advanced clinical studies), and extensive clinical training in Pune, India.
Ayurveda, the 5,000-year-old holistic healing system of India, is translated as the “Science of Life.” It is the sister science of Yoga. Ayurveda shows you the power of lifestyle- how to promote longevity, avoid disease, and live intelligently. Observing daily rituals maximizes your energy, reduces stress, enhances self-awareness, and allows you to live life to your fullest potential. Whether your body type is Vata (Air), Pitta (Fire), or Kapha (Earth), you can strategically avoid imbalance and prevent many diseases. Learn self-care rituals such as:
• Learn morning cleansing rituals such as tongue scraping, nasya nose drops, self-massage & acupressure
• Guidelines for creating your own daily meditation and yoga practice according to Ayurvedic principles
• Guidelines for mealtimes to ensure healthy digestion
• Bedtime rituals to ensure restful deep sleep
- Integrative Medicine
Location: 3
Session Introduction
Ahmed T Alahmar
University of Babylon, Iraq
Title: The effect of visual acuity and anemia on academic performance of pharmacy students

Ahmed T Alahmar MBChB, MSc, is from College of Pharmacy, University of Babylon, Iraq. He has done several publications related to health science.
Reduced visual acuity and anemia have been implicated in students poor academic performance along with other medical conditions. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of reduced visual acuity and anemia among pharmacy students at University of Babylon, Iraq and their effects on students academic performance
Ninety-five students (25 males and 70 females) who met the inclusion criteria were screened for refractive errors using Snellen chart. A subset of forty-eight students (18 males and 30 females) were also screened for anemia and RBC indices were estimated by hematology autoanalyzer. Students average grades of four subjects (out of 40) were compared between different subgroups.
Marni Chanoff
Ayurvedic Consultant
Title: Integrative Mental Health: Modern Healing & Age-old Wisdom

Dr. Chanoff is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and Mclean Hospital, and practices and teaches Integrative Psychiatry and Ayurveda. She completed her residency at the MGH/McLean Psychiatry Training Program, receiving the Mel Kayce Award for Excellence in Psychotherapy. She completed fellowships at The MGH Center for Psychoanalytic Studies and Harvard University Health Services. Following her training, she joined the clinical faculty at McLean Hospital as Psychiatrist-in-Charge of the Schizophrenia and Bipolar Program. She is now the Director of Wellness at McLean OnTrack, bringing integrative modalities to those in psychiatric treatment and recovery. She has served as Chief Medical Officer at Ellenhorn, a psychiatric recovery program in Boston, and founded and advises their Wellness Program. She attended the University of Miami School of Medicine, graduated with research distinction, and was honored as the most distinguished graduate in psychiatry. She is an Ayurvedic Consultant and completed her studies at the Kripalu School of Ayurveda. She has a private practice where she uses an integrative and individualized approach in the practice of psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, diet and lifestyle counseling, and Ayurvedic consultations.
Eastern influences have been shown to positively affect outcomes in many areas of western medicine. Recent evidence-based research validates these age-old approaches used globally for thousands of years. So too, in psychiatric treatment and psychosocial recovery-- as we aim to partner with clients in their search for meaning and purpose, social connectedness, and reintegration into the community-- utilizing eastern concepts and approaches expands our clinical repertoire and enhances our work with those we serve. This presentation will introduce several of these eastern concepts and their correlations with integral psychosocial approaches. It will also present evidence-based research on effective mind-body practices to highlight the momentum in the field of psychiatric recovery and the value of a more integrated and comprehensive approach to psychosocial rehabilitation.

Barry Taylor is a trained Naturopathic Physician and healer who has practiced Naturopathic Medicine since 1978.
His conventional and alternative diagnostic and therapeutic skills have continually proven successful with many complicated conditions such as weight management, allergies and compromised immune functioning, hormone imbalances as well as digestive and musculoskeletal challenges.
He is passionate about educating, guiding, and teaching his clients, how to make healthy, effective choices that keep them mentally and physically strong, and vital throughout their lives.
Encouraging emotional, mental, spiritual, and social healing is a complementary process in the ongoing development of living a life that connected to the multi-dimensional realties of being human. This is important to become a holistically competent health care practitioner and know how to work with therapists and healers that work with limited beliefs, negative patterns and unresolved conditioning and challenging destructive behaviours.
This workshop explores the dynamics of how to inspire and empower clients to safely engage in a transformative healing process for optimal health and wellness.
The workshop introduces mindfulness practices that relate to food choices, meditation, physical fitness and other health and healing habits that sourced in a person’s values not driven by fear or what they think they “should do.” Designing the Art of Being a Healer has been taught at a medical school as a year long course to provide tools to provide clients with a safe and sacred space to access their innate capacity for healing.
- Traditional Medicine
Location: 4
Session Introduction
Andrew Rubman, Susan Gordon
Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines
Title: Psychoneurointracrinology: The Mind-Brain Continuum

Andrew L. Rubman, ND is a 1982 graduate of NUNM, Medical Director of the Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines, and a Founder and lifetime member of the AANP. He is a past Adjunct Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at the College of Naturopathic Medicine, University of Bridgeport, and a past Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the Florida College of Integrative Medicine. He served as content provider for Naturopathic Medicine for the North American Menopause Society and the Natural Standard now Natural Medicines. He is a contributing medical editor for Bottom Line’s Daily Health News with over 200 articles in print.
Susan Gordon, PhD is Associate Professor of Psychology at National University and Research Director of the Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines. She has a doctorate in the history and philosophy of psychology; mind-body medicine from Saybrook University and training in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University. She is an invited lecturer at L'Institut des Systèmes Complexes Paris Île-de-France and a Foreign Expert of the Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs, Guangxi Province, PRC. Her research and publications integrate natural health, neuroscience, and endocrinology. She is editor of Neurophenomenology and Its Applications to Psychology and author of “Psychoneurointracrinology: The Embodied Mind” (Springer, 2013).
Andrew Rubman and Susan Gordon explain the interdisciplinary construct psychoneurointracrine, which represents a complex system that is psychological, neurological and intracrinological forming a mind-brain continuum within the person. Psycho (psychological) refers to constructs variously referred to as psyche, self, soul, mind and consciousness. Neuro (neurological) refers to the composition of and reactions within the nervous system. Intracrine (intracrinological) refers to the biosynthesis of steroids; the intracellular binding of receptors and the formation of enzymes that catalyze the creation of hormones within the cell. The theory of psychoneurointracrine autopoiesis explains how the regulation of a steroid’s receptor is modulated by the person’s perception of experience and sense of well-being. The theory of emergent global states explains how reciprocal limbic projections from the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal and adrenal axes (HPG-HPA) originating at the paraventricular nucleus, terminating at the median eminence, govern the reactive and anticipatory response to stress. It is argued that the sense of well-being is embodied at the HPG-HPA axes, which integrates autonomic, prereflective, and subliminal experience in the development of meaning and the emergence of self. This presentation explores: 1) the autopoietic role of estrogens, progesterone, and DHEA in the ovary, adrenal gland and the brain, 2) the corticolimbic system in the development of emotion, 3) the theories of psychoneurointracrine autopoiesis and emergent global states, and 4) the clinical implication of these theories for the assessment and treatment of women across the lifespan using natural psychopharmacology. The psychoneurointracrine model extends knowledge of the mind-brain relationship and the growth-oriented dimension of personality.
Adora Winquist
Holistic Aromatherapist
Title: Regenerate: Activating the Whole Body System by System

Adora has been in practice as an energy healer and aroma therapist since 1998. Her training encompasses a diverse study in vibrational medicine, including Reiki, gem and flower essences, aromatherapy, and essential oils. Her essential oils studies let her from The School for Aromatic Studies to Rutgers University, where she completed the International Training Program in Essential Oils: Advanced Studies. She has travel-studied through India and Egypt. She is also a graduate of the acclaimed Barbara Brennan School of Healing, a specialized four-year college for the study of vibrational healing with a focus in hands-on healing, the human energy field, and psychodynamics. Adora is a graduate of the Institute of Integrated Nutrition.
Current widespread sympathetic dominance, anxiety and cognitive dysfunction places significant demands on the alternative medical community to create consistent, successful protocols to achieve balance within the nervous system. The case studies of patients in Phase 1 provided a common bond to trauma exemplifying the sympathetic dominance with a focus on chronic anxiety. The discovery was made, by regenerating the whole body system by system at a cellular and at functional level the patients experienced deeper and long lasting health. Further prevention of chronic disease and systemic breakdown was developed in Phase 2 maintenance program. Proven therapeutic protocols as well as hypothesis for further peak performance will be discussed with consideration and application to professional practice.
Learning Objectives :
1. Overview and Organ Specific Focus: Nervous System
2. Protocols for a holistic alternative approach
3. Case studies of success
4. Future hypothesis and project evolution

Daisy is born in Beijing, and educated in Traditional Chinese Medicine in China and healthcare administration in acute as well as long-term care in the United States, She has earned her BS/MD degree in China and three other health-related degrees in USA. She has taught Chinese medicine since 1987 and practiced Chinese medicine since 1985 in China and American. She presently resides in Denver, Colorado, and practices Chinese medicine at the Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Colorado Hospital. She also teaches at the Health Science Center, University of Colorado Denver and is a full professor at Southwest Acupuncture College. She is full of passion for education in Chinese medicine in the States and has taught a variety of subjects in Chinese medicine since teaching in this country.
Daisy took additionally study under one of the top oncologists in China whom is trained in the biomedical and Chinese herbal treatment of cancer. Through her 30 years of clinical experience, she has accumulated a tremendous amount of knowledge in the integration of Eastern and Western Medicine, particularly in oncology. About 1/2 of her daily patients in the hospital are cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy. These patients suffer from breast cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer, prostate cancer, pelvic cancer and bone cancers ranging from age 9-80.
Cancer rates are expected to rise dramatically in the coming years as the population ages and exposure to environmental toxins becomes less and less avoidable. In China, Cancer is treated with an integrative approach, using the best of both medical worlds. Your Cancer patients can be supported in their radiation, chemotherapy, and remission with the use of Chinese Medicine (TCM).
This seminar will focus on TCM support of cancer patients and explore cancer treatments in a TCM energetic framework- the yin and the yang essences of radiation and chemo, the role of blood stasis, internal heat, and the basic concept of cancer in the view of TCM. Etiology, pathology and diagnosis will all be examined in the view of Chinese medicine and biomedicine. Nutritional recommendations in theory of TCM are included.
The role of TCM in its support for biomedical treatments will be examined deeply through the use of acupuncture, herbal medicine (old or new usage), and nutritional recommendations. Acupuncture & Chinese herbal medicine will be rigorously evaluated through comtemporary research studies with her point of vieiws for their modern applications in cancer care. Case studies will included.
- Naturopathy
Location: 5
Session Introduction
Stephen Miller Gibson
Title: Revisting Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg and The Prime Cause of Cancer

Stephen began is academic career at Duke 1970 as a pre med candidate, failing to to find the joy he had hoped to find. He ventured away from the path and completed an Economics degree while at Duke and an MBA while in Califormia graduating from Pepperdine in 1980. Healing and wellness has always called him and meeting Bob DeMontique the Natuiropath to the stars set his course toward his PhD at the now defunct Clayton College of Natural Health. Licenesd as a traditional naturopath in NC since 1998. He maintains a limited practice due to his many other varied activities. He has Nick Gonzales (deceased) and Francisco Contreras as colleagues of national reputation. His vendor of record and source for continuing edcation are Biotics Research Inc. and Life Extension.
In 1966 Otto Warburg addressed the Nobel Laureates offering a novel but compelling argument that detailed his theory on the prime cause of cancer. We will challenge our audience to consider a reexamination of Warburg’s thesis in light of recent NIH reseasrch. We ask also that Dr James Beard’s work from the beginnning of the 20th Century be examined in a manner that is consistent with Warburg’s thesis. Finally we will offer our experience with a Dow chemist, Jim Sheridan, whose work has gone essentially overlooked by today’s modern science although he was a member of that fraternity for many years.
Is it possible that some among us know the prime cause of cancer and how “cancer cells’ are awakened and can be successfully suppressed. then eliminated. Is there a bridge to modern science able to connect the walls of Big Pharma ,and the costs of double blind research seeking a validation of what will only be presented as a well reasoned theory of cancer elimination.? Will there be those among my audience willing to offer this theory to clients as information they should consider prior to cancer visiting their families. ?
I will posit that once informed of anecdotal successes we can offer , many would choose the path I offer my clients.
I am not allowed by law to diagnose nor treat cancer. I am limited to coaching and counseling to alternatives once a diagnosis from an MD is obtained. Even then I can not counsel to avoid the traditional “cut and burn” path that is offerred to them. So for now I teach while healthy sharing my “knowledge” of a cancer cause, its orgination and a method to eliminate cancer from one’s body. This presentation will challenge us to build those bridges to Modern Science and save lives.
- Homeopathy
Location: 6
Session Introduction
Vijay Nielsen
Nielsen Clinic
Title: Integrative Endometriosis: Managing endometriosis with nutritional supplements & homeopathy.

Vijay Nielsen holds a diploma in homeopathic medicine from Nielsen’s Homeopathic Medical Education & Research Centre Inc (Winnipeg, Canada) and has completed his fellowship at Vinayaka Mission's Hospital (Salem, India). In 2005 opened his private practice, Nielsen Clinic, where he specializes in women’s health and dermatology, combining homeopathic medicine with a clinical approach. His clinic has won numerous awards, and he was recently was selected as one of Impact Magazines Top Doctor for 2018. He is a published author in the Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences and has a #1 Amazon Best Seller (Living With Heart - coauthored).
Endometriosis, a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the pelvic peritoneum and ovaries, is one of the most commonly diagnosed gynecological conditions in women. It represents a debilitating condition for females and a challenging and complex disease for clinicians. Abnormal menstrual cycles are hard to identify, even for women, and the ability to diagnose endometriosis is limited to serological and imaging tests. Endometriosis is often underdiagnosed and poorly treated, resulting in delayed diagnose, significant pelvic pain and infertility. Studies have shown that endometriosis has a strong affinity towards estrogen, angiogenesis, and dysregulation of the immune system as well as multifactorial causes such as stress, genetics, and environmental factors. An integrative approach may help patients based on the totality of their symptoms while providing treatment that covers the following physiological aspects of endometriosis: anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenetic and aromatase inhibitor. Besides conventional treatment, there is a variety of therapies such as homeopathic medicines, nutritional and herbal supplements which may be used to treat endometriosis. The implementation of nutrition & herbal supplements and homeopathy may help endometriosis patients improve help achieve bleeding control, restore an acceptable menstrual pattern, reduce dysmenorrhea, improve fertility, and reduce the progression of endometriosis using effective natural therapies and providing a long-term solution.
- Yoga
Location: 7
Session Introduction
Anwaar Anbrali
Marywood University, Saudi Arabia
Title: The Effect of Complementary Medicine (yoga and diet based therapy) on The Elderly Population in Scranton, Pennsylvania

Anwaar Anbr Ali is a passionate social worker that has a bachelor’s degree in Social work at age of 22. She continued her studies in USA and got her masters degree in Health services administration. Interested in Health science, especially holistic medicine and Energy therapy. Anwaar is a female advocate and activist for holistic medicine. She has leaded various alternative medicine campaigns in Saudi Arabia
The approach of any medical system for elderly women and men needs to address to the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual aspects of life. Not satisfied with allopathic medications and the threat of serious side effects ever looming large in their minds, the elderly women and men have begun to use the complementary medical systems as a viable alternative to address to their health problems. Including Yoga, physical therapy, diet and aromatherapy. Research suggests that yoga therapy may be a viable gentle physical activity option with a variety of health-related quality of life, psychological and physical symptom management benefits. Diet and nutritional therapy on the other hand, has shown solid evidence as an alternative medicine to reduce the symptoms of chronic diseases in elderly population.