Biography: Anisha Durve
Ayurveda, the 5,000-year-old holistic healing system of India, is translated as the “Science of Life.” It is the sister science of Yoga. Ayurveda shows you the power of lifestyle- how to promote longevity, avoid disease, and live intelligently. Observing daily rituals maximizes your energy, reduces stress, enhances self-awareness, and allows you to live life to your fullest potential. Whether your body type is Vata (Air), Pitta (Fire), or Kapha (Earth), you can strategically avoid imbalance and prevent many diseases. Learn self-care rituals such as:
• Learn morning cleansing rituals such as tongue scraping, nasya nose drops, self-massage & acupressure
• Guidelines for creating your own daily meditation and yoga practice according to Ayurvedic principles
• Guidelines for mealtimes to ensure healthy digestion
• Bedtime rituals to ensure restful deep sleep