Karyn Marie Chabot
Sacred Stone Academy of Massage and Ayurveda
Title: A Winning Career in Jyotish, Ayurvedic Bodywork & Ayurvedic Medicine
Biography: Karyn Marie Chabot
By using Jyotish to understand our dharma and career path, merging Ayurveda
with more main stream sister sciences such as massage and being tenacious about manifesting our dreams, the future of Ayurveda will harmoniously takes its place alongside allopathy and traditional Chinese medicine. By becoming established in one’s Self and becoming “the change” that wish for the divine unfolding of Ayurveda, we can strengthen the matrix of Ayurveda and enliven the hearts of all it’s practitioners. I will share my personal journey into Ayurveda to help inspire the participants, how I persevere and navigated through the massage industry to manifest my career dreams, despite state regulations, her own illness, heart break and financial hiccups. I will illuminate the core beliefs about who we are, where Ayurveda is going and how it relates to our personal dharma. Become inspired to achieve success with Ayurveda by exploring the sister sciences of Jyotish, massage and yoga. Transformation begins with conviction about our dharma, which gives rise to clarity about our goals. Nature will support us by opening doors of opportunity when we are established within our Selves so dharma can lead the way.
Learning Objectives:
1. New ideas for discovering happiness and financial fulfillment in the Ayurveda community.
2. How to become established within the Self and stay focused on your goals.
3. Discover your passion using Jyotish, yoga and massage.
4. Interesting perspectives on merging Ayurveda within the healing arts and the definition of success.
5. Practical business solutions and developing community