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Stephen Miller Gibson

Stephen Miller Gibson




Stephen began is academic career at Duke 1970 as a pre med  candidate, failing to to find the joy he had hoped to find. He ventured away from the path and completed an Economics degree  while at Duke and  an MBA while in Califormia graduating from Pepperdine in 1980. Healing and wellness has always called him and meeting Bob DeMontique the Natuiropath to the stars set his course toward his   PhD at the now defunct Clayton College of Natural Health. Licenesd as a traditional naturopath in NC since 1998. He maintains a limited practice  due to his many other varied activities. He  has Nick Gonzales (deceased) and Francisco Contreras as colleagues of national reputation.  His vendor of record and source for continuing edcation are Biotics Research Inc. and  Life Extension.


Abstract : Revisting Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg and The Prime Cause of Cancer