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Chandanni Miglino

Chandanni Miglino

Ayurvedic Practitioner


Chandanni Miglino is an Ayurvedic Practitioner. She facilitates retreats, festivals and workshops all over the world. She is the CEO and Founder of a sustainable, organic beauty and wellness line, along with a successful online liver detoxification platform, She has been practicing and living with principles in Ayurveda, the natural healing science of India, for well over a decade. She is the Co-Founder of the Chandanni Scholarship Fund ( bringing at risk youth from underserved communities in America to places like India where they experience mindfulness and diversity.  She was born and raised in London, England. Her life’s work is to re-define the role of women and men today, promoting integrated whole health as a vehicle towards evolution and autonomy.


Abstract : Ayurveda - The Urgency of Integrated Whole Health in the 21st Century