
Acupuncture is a treatment of alternative medicine which involves thin needles that are inserted into the body. It is used in treatment of migraine, chronic/back pain and insomnia which are the common problems faced by people. It is very effective at relieving the pain and restoring normal function and is often used with electrical stimulation in treating nerve conditions. Acupuncture stimulates the brain to release chemicals such as opioids and neurotransmitters into the body that reduce pain and normalize the nervous system or acupuncture with electrical stimulation interrupts the pain signal allowing the nerve to calm down thereby reducing the pain.

Acupressure, a non-invasive form of acupuncture, uses physical pressure applied to acupressure points by the hand, elbow, or with various devices. Clean needle technique and single use needles of acupuncture are safe when done by a perfectly trained practitioner or acupuncturist.


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