Integrative Medicine Conferences | Alternative Treatments Conferences | Medicine Conferences | 2024

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Elizabeth Christenson

Director, CHI Medical Center LLC USA USA

Integrative Medicine Rome, Integrative Medicine , Integrative Medicine Italy, Integrative Medicine conference , Alternative Medicine conferences Rome, Alternative Treatments , Integrative Medicine meetings , Alternative Treatments conference , Integrative Medicine events , Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Medicine

Anita Chen Marshall

Assistant Professor USA

Integrative Medicine Rome, Integrative Medicine , Integrative Medicine Italy, Integrative Medicine conference , Alternative Medicine conferences Rome, Alternative Treatments , Integrative Medicine meetings , Alternative Treatments conference , Integrative Medicine events , Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Medicine

Todd Adam Born

Naturopathic Doctor USA USA

Integrative Medicine Rome, Integrative Medicine , Integrative Medicine Italy, Integrative Medicine conference , Alternative Medicine conferences Rome, Alternative Treatments , Integrative Medicine meetings , Alternative Treatments conference , Integrative Medicine events , Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Medicine

Chandanni Miglino

Ayurvedic Practitioner USA USA

Integrative Medicine Rome, Integrative Medicine , Integrative Medicine Italy, Integrative Medicine conference , Alternative Medicine conferences Rome, Alternative Treatments , Integrative Medicine meetings , Alternative Treatments conference , Integrative Medicine events , Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Medicine

Edward Kondrot

Classical Homeopath USA USA

Integrative Medicine Rome, Integrative Medicine , Integrative Medicine Italy, Integrative Medicine conference , Alternative Medicine conferences Rome, Alternative Treatments , Integrative Medicine meetings , Alternative Treatments conference , Integrative Medicine events , Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Medicine

Vijay Nielsen

Homeopathic Doctor Canada Canada

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Lulu Shimek

Naturopathic Physician USA USA

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Barry Taylor

Naturopathic Physician USA USA

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Integrative Medicine 2024

About the Conference

Conference series LLC LTD welcomes Directors, Integrative medicine professionals, Naturopathic physicians, Doctors, Yoga instructors, Holistic health physicians, Massage Therapists, Nutritionists to attend, learn and explore the aspects of Integrative Medicine and Alternative Treatments.

Conference Name



Integrative Medicine 2024

Rome, Italy

June 13-14, 2024


Integrative Medicine 2024 aims to gather internationally-recognized researchers, clinicians, educators, and nutritionist whose work focuses on the interface between nutrition and healthful living.

This conference mainly focuses on discussing the most recent data, analyzing its impact, and assessing its best use in clinical practice. The major topics to be discussed include the role of nutrition in the inflammatory process, Spirituality and Medicine, plant-based diets, integrative cardiology, integrative oncology, women’s health, multidisciplinary pain management, and management of infections, integrative GIT health and use of shared medical appointments.

The format will focus on evidence-based discussions by experts in preventive and integrative medicine. The overarching goal is to provide participants with the knowledge to understand the benefits and risks of these treatments and to integrate them for healthier and improved patient outcomes.


Sessions / Tracks

The International Conference on Integrative Medicine and Alternative treatments which is going to be held during July 30-31, 2023, at Vancouver, Canada will bring together world-class personalities working on Integrative Medicine and Alternative treatments to discuss materials-related strategies for betterment of health and disease remediation. The conferences offers an innovative, solution-driven platform for physicians and healthcare practitioners, researchers and students, politicians and patients, to collectively exchange and discuss research and research findings in the field of integrative medicine and nutrition and collectively work on the vision and science, economics and education for optimal healthcare.

Track 1: Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine has been grounded in the definition of health. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Integrative medicine is a philosophy of healthcare which focuses on individual person, combining the best of conventional western medicine and evidence-based complementary medicine and therapies within current mainstream medical practice.

Integrative medicine prepares standard treatments with complementary and alternative therapies to care for your body, mind and spirit. It emphasizes respect for the human capacity for healing, the importance of the relationship between the practitioner and the patient, a collaborative approach to patient care among practitioners, and the practice of conventional, complementary, and alternative health care that is evidence-based.

Track 2: Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathy is a system of primary health care that follows prevention and healing process using natural remedies. The principles of Naturopathy were first started by the Hippocratic School of Medicine in 400 B.C. The original naturopaths in 1900s around the world were trained by doctors using herbal medicine, hydrotherapy, and other traditional forms of healing. Currently, many countries consider practice of naturopathy as a healthcare system that has evolved by engulfing the traditional medicine of each country with the naturopathic principles, theories, modalities and traditions that have been codified in North America.

Track 3: Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine means addressing the person completely as per their mind, body and spiritual aspects in the management and prevention of a disease. It is a system of health care which engulfs a cooperative relationship among all those involved, leading towards the physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual aspects of health. In an holistic approach, there is the belief notice that it relies not just on what is going on in our body physically in terms of disease, but also on the inter-relation of this with our mind, body and spirit. These different states can be equally important as they should be managed together so that a person is treated as a whole. To prevent and treat the condition of diseases, holistic medicine use conventional and alternative therapies to promote optimal health.

Track 4: Traditional Medicine

Traditional medicine is also known as folk or indigenous medicine. The essential aspect of this folk medicine is to have an idea of body physiology, health and healing practices to be used in treatment of a disease or a person in whole. It is similarly a home remedy, which can be used in a treatment to cure a disease or ailment which contains vegetables, spices or other common properties that may or may not contain medicinal properties. This has been more prevalent based upon their culture and usage. Traditional medicine has been used for thousands of years with great contributions made by practitioners to human health, particularly as primary health care providers at the community level. TM has maintained its popularity worldwide and since the 1990s its use has surged in many developed and developing countries.

Track 5: Nutritional Medicine

A combination of catabolism and anabolism of food in the body is Nutrition. It is a science which explains the interaction of nutrients and other substances in the food that helps in growth and maintenance of an organism. It is responsible for all the major changes in the body. The study of Nutrition is increasingly concerned with Metabolism and Metabolic pathways and also the sequence of biochemical steps through which substances in living things change from one form to another. An unhealthy and inactive response of the metabolism of the body also causes early death.

In sports nutrition, there are several major reasons to study interactions between muscle protein interaction during and after exercise and nutrition. Plants are also irreplaceable food resources for humans.  There is no substitute for plant derived foods that can replace plant derived medicines that are replaced by synthetic chemicals and petroleum derivatives.

Track 6: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Complementary medicine is a major part of integrative medicine and a healing resource that encompasses all practices, health systems and its beliefs and theories that are not intrinsic to the health system of particular society.

Complementary Medicine Today is "a diverse group of treatments, ranging from symptomatic interventions to be used in conjunction with traditional therapies, meditation to other treatments to be used other than the chemotherapy techniques and surgeries. Complementary medicine courses take up the challenge to overcome ill health conditions and different conventional therapies.

Track 7: Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine or phytotherapy is the use of plants as dietary supplements or as medicinal purposes as a cure of many diseases. Herbs and medicines which are derived from natural sources are used in Phytotherapy and Phytochemistry for testing the modern standard effectiveness. Herbal medicine includes fungal and bee products including minerals and shells. Modern medicine recognizes herbalism as a form of alternative medicine, as the practice of herbalism is not strictly based scientific method evidence which is gathered. The list of herbal medicine depends on the type of plant and the method used for the modification of herbal medicine. Modern phytotherapy have been using conventional methods to access the quality of herbal drugs.

Track 8: Ayurveda

Ayurveda works on a theory that disease results from an imbalance of the body’s life force (prana). It aims to restore balance within the body. The two main guiding principles of Ayurveda are the mind and the body which are inextricably connected, and to know that nothing has more power to heal and transform the body than the mind. It offers a body of wisdom to help people stay healthy while realizing their full human potential. The balance of prana is determined by equilibrium of the 3 Ayurvedic body types (doshas): vata, pitta, and kapha. Use of Ayurveda and herbal combinations to relieve symptoms in patients with RA has been studied. RA is treated based on the efficacy of Ayurveda and herbal combinations by identified 2005 systematic review of randomized controlled trails.

Track 9: Yoga Therapy

Yoga is that the Indic word for union and may be a 5000-year-old Indian body of information. Although many consider yoga solely as an exercise wherever individuals twist, turn, stretch, and suspire the foremost advanced ways in which, these are literally solely the foremost superficial side of this profound science of development the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul. The science of Yoga imbibes the entire essence of the manner of life.

Yoga offers a large number of mental and physical advantages within the epoch of yoga, advances in technology and accessibility of data enable researchers to check and prove these advantages that are mentioned for generations. In the modern era, advances in technology and accessibility of information allow researchers to test and prove these benefits that have been discussed for generations.

Track 10: Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a treatment of alternative medicine which involves thin needles that are inserted into the body. It is used in treatment of migraine, chronic/back pain and insomnia which are the common problems faced by people. It is very effective at relieving the pain and restoring normal function and is often used with electrical stimulation in treating nerve conditions. Acupuncture stimulates the brain to release chemicals such as opioids and neurotransmitters into the body that reduce pain and normalize the nervous system or acupuncture with electrical stimulation interrupts the pain signal allowing the nerve to calm down thereby reducing the pain.

Acupressure, a non-invasive form of acupuncture, uses physical pressure applied to acupressure points by the hand, elbow, or with various devices. Clean needle technique and single use needles of acupuncture are safe when done by a perfectly trained practitioner or acupuncturist.

Track 11: Chiropractic Technique

Chiropractic technique deals with the diagnosis of mechanical disorder of SPINE which belongs to musculoskeletal system of our body. The main part of Chiropractic technique is the massage and manipulation which helps in the adjustment of spine and related tissues. According to the scientific evidence, Chiropractic manipulation is not effective for any medical condition with the exception of treatment for lower back pain. Cervical spine has been debated particularly with the safety of manipulation. Gonstead chiropractic technique is the major chiropractic technique used on the theme of spinal adjustment treatment “on hands”. The best treatment of back pain, neck pain and headaches used by chiropractors is Chiropractic activation method which is an instrument assisted treatment method.

Track 12: Mind - Body Therapy

A major connection by which the mental, emotional, social, behavioural and spiritual factors can directly affect the health is Mind body connection. Mind-body connection psychology is based on the theory that mental and emotional factors. These regulate physical health through a system of interdependent hormonal and immunologic connections throughout the body. Mind Body Interventions are designed to facilitate the mind’s capacity to affect bodily functions and symptoms. Examples of Mind body Interventions mainly include hypnosis and hypnotherapy. To enhance the mind’s capacity to affect the body there are behavioural, psychological, spiritual and social techniques in mind body medicine and also to preserve health and to prevent or cure disease. As Mind body medicine is beneficial, abundantly supported with the scientific evidence, many of these techniques of mind body medicine are considered as the mainstreams.

Track 13: Unani or Arabic Medicine

The term Yunani is derived from the Greek word Arabic Yunani based on the teachings of Greek physicians, Galen and Hippocrates. Unani or Yunani medicine is the term practiced in Mughal India and as Muslim culture in South Asia and modern day Central Asia in terms of Perso-Arabic traditional medicine. Frequently used Unani medicine is for the weight loss and diabetic treatment which are the major problems faced by people. The main aspect in management of disease using Unani medicine depends upon the diagnosis of the disease. During the diagnosis there are some important clinical features which has to be followed i.e., signs, symptoms, laboratory features and mizaj (temperament). Hamdard Unani Medicine is useful in treatment of Sexually Transmitted diseases.

Track 14: Massage Therapy

A pressure applied on a body with particular action is Massage therapy. These are the techniques commonly applied using fingers, hands, forearm, knees, elbows, feet or even with a device. Bodywork and Aquatic massage is performed with recipients floating or submersed in a warm-water therapy pool. Styles used in massage therapy range from smooth, long strokes to percussive, short strokes. Few massage therapists use lotions and oils for massage where most massage therapists have their clients unclothe for a massage, where some do not. A massage can last anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. A therapist customizes the massage, depending on the condition of the person, age, or any special needs or goals the person has.

Track 15: Homeopathy

This was created by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. Homeopathy is based on the idea that "like cures like."  Homeopathy is also an alternative medicine which is used in cure and prevention of many diseases. That is, if a substance causes a symptom in a healthy person, giving the person a very small amount of the similar substance may cure the illness.

Homeopathy is also useful in treatment of major illness such as cancer, heart diseases, and major infections and also in case of emergencies. Homeopathy is used to address the individual’s experience on diseases and to prevent individuals in falling ill. Homeopathic remedies are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, FDA does not evaluate the remedies for safety or effectiveness.

Track 16: Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

These techniques are based on an ideology created by Andrew Taylor Still which explains the existence of myofascial continuity, a tissue layer that connects all parts of the body. The combination of Osteopathy and Osteopathic medicine techniques distinguishing from other fields of medicine is Osteopathic manipulative medicine. Parts of osteopathy, such as cranial therapy have been labelled pseudoscience and are said to have no therapeutic value.

Manipulation of persons bones and muscles in the treatment of somatic dysfunction and diagnosis by the non-physician osteopaths and osteopathic physicians to address a variety of ailments. OMT techniques are commonly used techniques to treat musculoskeletal issues and back pain. It is less effective in treating asthma and Parkinson's disease.



Market Analysis

The worldwide Integrative and Alternative Medicine advertise was esteemed at USD 40.32 billion of every 2015. Attributable to the expanding support by the majority, expanded utilization of customary restorative techniques has an extension for significant development in the coming decade. It was evaluated that over 60% of the worldwide populace utilizes a few or the other type of conventional pharmaceutical starting at 2015.

Elective pharmaceutical includes the use of conventional strategies for solution, for example, the utilization of herbs and other personality and body recuperating methods that are generally in light of confidence and conviction. Be that as it may, the greater part of these strategies has no administrative endorsement or clinical evidential support. A considerable lot of the administrations and administrative bodies have set up endeavours in finding clinical help for the consolidation of option medications to help enhance the market and treatment techniques.

Integrative medicine market share, by region, 2015 (%)


Alternative treatment Strategy 2015 to 2025: The WHO Alternative Medicine Strategy 2015– 2025 was created and propelled because of the WH Assembly determination on customary medication. The procedure means to help Members States in creating proactive strategies and executing activity designs that will reinforce the part conventional meds plays in keeping populaces sound.

Tending to the difficulties, reacting to the necessities recognized by Member States and expanding on the work done under the World Health Organization customary drug technique: 2002 to 2005, the refreshed methodology for the period 2015 to 2025 commits more consideration than its forerunner to organizing wellbeing administrations and frameworks, including conventional and reciprocal solution items, practices and experts.

Significance and Scope: Currently the aggregate worldwide market of Herbal Products and Medicinal Plants is US$ 60 billion with a twofold digit development. The enhanced utilization of plant acquired items and its acknowledgment overall made the segment extremely encouraging one. According to the World Bank Report 1998, world exchange therapeutic plants and related items is relied upon to be US$ 5 trillion by 2050.


Financing: As consideration and open subsidizing for global Integrative and Alternative solution inquire about coordinated efforts developed, more itemized examination of moral issues in this exploration is justified. Sparse writing has tended to choose issues, for example, educated assent and free survey related to Integrative and Alternative pharmaceutical research. Here we apply a useful, far reaching and broadly acknowledged moral system to global Integrative and Alternative prescription research. We look at in detail troublesome inquiries identified with social esteem, logical legitimacy and ideal hazard advantage proportion. We close with suggestions for up and coming exploration in this field, concentrating on the significance of communitarian association.

Future Projection Roughly 80percent of individuals today rely on home grown medicine as a segment of their essential social insurance. As per the World Health Organization, there is extraordinary worry about the wellbeing and viability of home grown utilize. While home grown prescription can conceivably add to the progression of human services, many real difficulties must be overcome preceding the effective combination of natural cures into standard solution. One of the significant boundaries is the flow absence of precise interpretations and understandings of Chinese natural messages and research by Western researchers. To be sure, for the fuse of sheltered and powerful herbs into the therapeutic framework to end up plainly a reality, more specialists and specialists should be prepared in both present day pharmaceutical and natural abridgment that has been collected since old circumstances.

The quantity of patients looking for exchange and home grown treatment is developing exponentially. Thousand years of customary utilize can furnish us with profitable rules to the choice, planning and utilization of home grown detailing. To be acknowledged as feasible contrasting option to present day pharmaceutical, the same overwhelming technique for logical and clinical approval must be connected to demonstrate the wellbeing and viability of a helpful item. In the present audit we endeavoured to depict the present situation and task the fate of natural medication.

Major countries of Herbal Market:

The largest global markets for medicinal and aromatic plants are United States, Netherlands, China, Italy, Spain, Japan, France, Germany and UK


USA: The USA imports up to 90% of its medicinal herb requirement. The current total market is 139 million dollars.

Japan: has the most astounding per capita utilization of organic drug on the planet. Herbal prescription market in Japan in 1996 was evaluated at US $ 2.4 billion and deals have developed quickly as of late.

China: china's aggregate yield of therapeutic plants from both developed and wild gathered sources is 1.6 million tons. The aggregate estimation of the completed TCM in 1996 was US$ 3.7 billion. This gauge prohibits household utilization, the consideration of which would bring about a far higher figure. General offer of natural medication items in China in 1995 was evaluated at US$ 5 billion.

Studies propose that around 20% of individuals in the United States utilize home grown supplements, and the measure of cash spent on these items surpass $4.2 billion every year.

India: is a noteworthy exporter of crude restorative and fragrant plants and handled plant-based medications. Fares of unrefined medications and fundamental oil from India in 1994-95 were esteemed at US$ 66,469 million. Critical unrefined medications included Plantogo ovata (psyllium), Panax spp. (ginseng), Cassia spp. (senna) and Catheranthus rosesus (blushing periwinkle). Fundamental oils included santalum collection (sandlewood), Mentha arvensis (peppermint) and Cymbopogon flexuosus (lemongrass). 70% of aggregate fares from India are sent to six nations. US, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland and UK. Other real shippers are Bangladesh, Pakistan and Spain.


American Alternative Medical Association

American Holistic Health Assoaciation

Bringing science and development together through original news and analysis   

European Herbal & Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association National Association

American Medical Association

Society the Individual and Medicine

Dimensions of Culture

Australian Natural Therapists Association ANTA

World Association of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians

National Association of Massage Therapists

National Ayurvedic Medical Association


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  • Hotel Booking Confirmation Letter for accommodation issued on conference letter head

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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date June 13-14, 2024

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  • Holistic Medicine
  • Unorthodox Medicine
  • Acupucture/Acupressure
  • Alternative Medicine
  • Alternative Therapies
  • Aromatherapies
  • Aromatherapy
  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Body Movement And Dance Therapies
  • Chinese Medicine
  • Chiropractic Treatment
  • Complementary Medicine
  • Complementary Medicine
  • Creative Arts Therapies
  • Dietary
  • Fringe Medicine
  • Herbs
  • Holistic Medicine
  • Holistic Medicine
  • Holistic Nursing
  • Holistic Nursing
  • Homeopathy
  • Integrative Medicine
  • Integrative Medicine
  • Keywords
  • Magnet Therapy
  • Massage Therapy
  • Natural Medicine
  • New Age Medicine
  • Osteopathic Treatment
  • Reiki
  • Spirituality
  • Tai Chi And Qi Gong
  • Unconventional Medicine